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Family Stories Picnic

WHEN: July 20, 2024, 5:30 pm

WHERE: HYC Club house

How HYC has given your family joy?

To current and past members of Harraseeket Yacht Club,

HYC has meant so much to so many people! What does it mean to you and your family? Here’s your invitation to share your stories – at a picnic July 20, and on a new section of the HYC website.


The picnic

We invite all current and past members of HYC to a picnic at the club on Saturday, July 20, at 5:30 PM to meet and greet current and past members.  Bring your stories of the early days, recent years, and today. Nat Warren-White will emcee – everyone is encouraged to join in!

This will be a bring your food and drink event with grills available.

Here is a registration link Encourage others to attend, particularly past members looking to reconnect with old friends!


Family stories on the HYC website

If you are a current member, or were a member at any time since its founding, we want your stories!  We are building a “family stories” section of the HYC website for each family to share what HYC has meant to them – in any form you like.  Pictures, videos, audio recollections, funny vignettes, family histories.  Make it emotional, factual, silly, whatever you want! Individual recollections of specific event are encouraged.

Visit the Family Stories page with examples of pages from the White family and the Parker family. But no need to follow their format. A few sentences, pictures, anything you like, for you family page works! The pages will be viewable by the public (i.e., not behind the password-protected wall.)

Please submit your family page and any questions or comments to:
Nat Warren-White –   or
Steve Parker –  
(Word format preferred, but we’ll take other formats)


Look forward to seeing you and your family on the 20th (remember to RSVP) and on our new family section of the website!